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Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator
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Problem installing GTN XI
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  Multiple problems
Posted by: Mauleflyer - 05-26-2022, 08:37 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (3)

In the C414, the screens are blank, can't start them. I am using the correct livery. In the Just flight ArrowIII, there is no option for the GTNxi on the iPad. I bought the Arrow through the MS store and it says it is up to date. It says the sim is connected and I can start the window version of the GTN and it geolocates me at the correct airport.  I do have the PMS50-GTN750 in my community folder.  I would much rather use the GTNxi but I seem to have a lot of issues.

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  Auto Load FlightSimEXE with MSFS start?
Posted by: Viking01 - 05-26-2022, 02:00 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (14)

I love your GTN 750, great product!

Every once in a while, I noticed that the C:\ProgramData\TDS\GTNXi\FlightSimEXE program starts with MSFS upon its start-up. Most of the time it does not. I copied the path to the addon linker to run the file when MSFS starts but even then the app does not start and the screens in the aircraft remain black until I start it manually.

This is not a big problem but maybe there is a setting somewhere that takes care of it?


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  Black screens in MSFS
Posted by: Martin Brannigan - 05-25-2022, 01:15 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (14)

Good morning, I have the TDS GTNXi software running perfectly fine in standalone mode (i.e. MSFS is not running), but
in the Sim neither the Milviz C310R nor the Just Flight PA28 TDS options work - I just have black screens.

Any help would be really appreciated

Many thanks

Best regards
Martin Brannigan

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Posted by: mobbe123 - 05-25-2022, 01:29 AM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (1)

I use the Aerosoft Twin Otter and I loaded the sim without the gauge. So my question is; when you enter a flight plan in the TDS, do you have to enter it into the msfs 530 gps as well?
I know this aircraft is a "none integration" for the gps. Is there a help documentation that shows how to load these type of aircraft with the TDS properly?

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  Fixed!! user error
Posted by: InfamousAviator - 05-17-2022, 11:24 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (1)

I posted today about a flickering non-functional GTNXi and updated it with new information and it has now been deleted.

Angry I am now getting an error after reinstalling that reads GTNXi PC trainer is not installed. It is in fact installed. Please advise.

Edit: Issue was resolved with great attention and patience. In the end it was not the GTNXi at all, many thanks!

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  Can't install
Posted by: lxzx1986 - 05-17-2022, 09:22 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (4)

Installation cannot continue, tell me I need version 20.20.10, I don't understand why.

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  Issue resolved - Flickering screen - not useable
Posted by: InfamousAviator - 05-17-2022, 07:40 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (3)

Purchased yesterday and was working great for 2 flights. Today I startup the Milviz 310R and the display is showing the screens as they were last night after shutdown and flickering a lot. I've restarted the PC twice, I've tried restarting the GTNXi while in the sim. I've tried running as administrator. Any ideas? This was a big investment to be sitting on the shelf unusable... FYI the default GPS units work fine when selected in the Milviz tablet.

Edit: Thank you to TDS Sim Software! They corrected an issue interfering with me enjoying the product...and it wasn't even their problem. Very appreciative of the time and attention of your team. Thank you thank you.

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  Window always on top for the stand alone exe
Posted by: Ahsmatt7 - 05-17-2022, 07:24 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (3)

Just purchased your GTN suite for msfs and its really cool! Great work.

Is there anyway to allow the standalone gps window to remain on top of the msfs window? Or do we have to buy another monitor?

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  Completely unusable in Milviz
Posted by: dpld - 05-17-2022, 06:44 PM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (7)

FPS in the Milviz in unusably low - around 1-2 fps. You can see it very clearly in the button glow animations. 

Granted that I also can't figure out how to pop-out the GPS (it just states that it's in gauge mode in the app), it's completely unusable in the plane.

I've checked out the "Performance" tips. Option from experimental does nothing (I'm already at 60+ fps in milviz), and I can't add the process to the defender exceptions since the exe is in protected MS store folder (it's not like it does anything judging by the other people's threads).

Needless to say that I'm pissed. Product is 60$ and it's very clearly not usable as advertised on the store.

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  TDS GTNXi Not Working
Posted by: meh1951 - 05-17-2022, 04:13 AM - Forum: TDS GTNXi Flight Simulator - Replies (5)

Worked for a couple of days and then nothing but black.  Was trying to re install ... no luck.  The trainers work fine.

How do you uninstall everything to make sure to get a "clean" install.


Does the Screenshot help.

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