(05-12-2022, 11:35 AM)JazzBird Wrote: Guten Tag 
Yesterday I bought the TDS GTNXi (I love it) especially for the "JustFlight" Pipers. Unfortunately there is a problem and also a solution which could be a bit annoying in the long run ;-)
Problem: when I start a flight the ATC does not work, neither the voice output nor the text!
Solution: if I then click through all the GPS on the tablet (in the cockpit) (TDS GTNXi/PMS50 GTN/GPS 100.... etc) until I get back to the TDS GTNXi, the ATC works normally again.
I have only had the ATC problem since installing TDS GTNXi!
Is this a known problem? Is there a permanent solution?
Thanks for the help! 
I just purchased and installed version of the GTNXi, using it in the Just Flight Turbo Arrow III, and can report much the same issue as this along with a couple of others. Related to this issue I have the same experience -- when I first enter the cockpit if the GTNXi (I usually start at 21D) is already displayed I turn on Battery, then Avionics and the 750 and 650 both light up normally. TAWS audio works. But, when I open the ATC window and select ATIS I can see the text scrolling but hear nothing. Save happens if I am at a towered airport and select Ground or Tower (have tried this at KEAU). I hear the pilot voice talk to Ground or Tower, but cannot hear any response. I can see the text of the response in the ATC window, but hear nothing. If I then scroll through the GPS choices on the tablet and come back around to the GTNXi then all audio works and I can then hear all radio transmissions normally, both pilot and Tower/Ground/ATIS etc.
Once it all works, if I turn off the Avionics Bus 1, both the 750 and 650 shut down as they should. But I can still hear the Com radio. I would think Com audio would shut off along with the 750 and 650, right? If I then shut off the battery, the Com radio audio shuts off as normal.
My third issue has been that the GTNXi Flight Sim is not starting along with Microsoft Flight Simulator. When I first enter the Turbo Arrow III cockpit, the GNS 530/430 will work, but the GTNXi will not come on with the battery / avionics. I have to go into windowed mode, go to the Windows 10 start menu and manually start the GTNXi flight sim app. Then if I go back into the cockpit the GTNXi will light up. I installed with no firewall or antivirus running (I use Norton) and have given the exe all permissions in the Norton settings.
Looking for any insight on these issues that you might have. Otherwise I'm really enjoying it. Thank you!