I am using Little Navmap, and have the multiexport flight plan option "'GARMIN 'TDS GTNXi with user defined waypoints'" selected, and in the correct folder to load into the GTX.
I can load the flight plan into the GTXNi, however, no matter what I try, it will not load the approach vectors or the selected runway into the flight plan.
I believe it used to load them. Does anybody have any ideas on why it quit loading them?
Is there a setting that got turned off?
Thanks in advance,
Hello Frank,
Please provide us with a specific example on how to be able to replicate the problem.
Additionally, what is the exact approach that you are trying to load into the TDS GTNXi? Does it exist in the TDS GTNXi database?
(09-27-2023, 08:03 PM)adminOwner2 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Frank,
Please provide us with a specific example on how to be able to replicate the problem.
Additionally, what is the exact approach that you are trying to load into the TDS GTNXi? Does it exist in the TDS GTNXi database?
I am using Little Navmap. I created the flight plan I need for the NeoFly program.
As you can see, when I import the Flight Plan into the GTNXi, the Approach vectors or runways are not loading.
See Pictures.
Hope this helps...
It seems that Little NavMap is not saving the approach as "user waypoints", there is a "missed LOC-Z" in red in the send image that you have uploaded, but it is cutoff, so we can not see the error. Please show us the full screenshot.
Also, it is important to let us know of the exact airport/approach/runway/transition selected in the GTNXi.
Please make sure to check the GFP file created by LittleNavMap for the actual waypoints, since if those are missing from it, then they will be missing from the GTNXi as well.